Negligence of your feet will soon project itself with painful, hard skin problem feet. Let’s take a look at the common foot problems, their causes and remedial treatment.

Bunions:- Bunions are characterised by the painful thickening of skin. The big toe bends towards the other toes forming a painful lump on the side of the foot.
Cause:- It is basically caused by the use of ill-fitting, pointed footwear.
Combine equal parts of iodine and castor oil on the bunions for temporary relief.
Use a soothing lotion/gel for relief. Aloe vera is good for this problem.
Consult your Chiropodist

Corns:- A painful thickening of the skin that can be recognised by its raised central core and red cuticles.

Cause:- It is caused by tight footwear and their continual pressure against your feet causes friction and irritation that leads to the formation of corns.

Use a corn cap. A corn cap helps o loosen the hard centre of the corn.

Dip a cotton bud into pure, undiluted lemon juice and keep on the corn. Saturate and rub gently a couple of times.

Apply fresh orange peel paste to the hard corn skin. It helps to soften the skin in a short period of time.

Can be removed surgically.

Calluses:- Thick, hard patches of skin found on the palms of hands and soles of feet are called callus.

Causes:- It is caused by regular pressure or friction in that particular spot.

Slough off dead cells with a pumice stone/foot scrubber and massage in some castor oil.

After bath, massage in some lanolin or lanolin based cream.

Calluses are said to be effectively scrubbed away with an almond scrub.

Apply warm olive oil to the callus and massage well for sometime.

Equal quantities of glycerine, lemon juice and orange peel powder to be mixed well and applied for 1/2 an hour before scrubbing off

Mix together castor oil and lemon juice and apply on the calluses to soften it.

Chilblains:- Chilblains are recognised by the red, itchy, irritating sensation near the heels and soles.

Cause:- It is caused by extremely cold weather or bad circulation of blood in the foot region.

Soak feet in warm soapy water 10-15 mins. Rinse well and apply rich olive oil and massage well.

Epsom salt foot bath is also beneficial

Apply soothing lotions/gels like Aloe Vera.

Athlete’s Foot:- Athlete’s Foot is a fungal infection, which is found to be highly contagious. The fungus manifests itself between and under the toe region.

Cause:- Excess moisture between toes causes the skin to split and blister.

Make it a point to keep the region between your toes always dry.

Use anti-fungal solution like Suthol or a powder like Neosporin Powder.

Change socks regularly

Use a separate towel for your feet

Discard socks and towels used, once you have been cured.

In extreme cases, consult your doctor.
** All images are taken from random google search** 

Also read Part II & Part  III